Extremely Intelligent Demetra for Skin Examination
Model: Demetra
Part #: K9302000A
Imagine a way to change skin imaging forever and shape the future of dermatology together. By having smarter ways of doing skin exams. By adding augmented insights when skin lesions are screened and analyzed. By sharing what you know with pioneers in the industry, working towards one goal: to improve the diagnosis of skin disease. Because your augmented expertise will reach further than ever.
Work smarter and faster. Demetra is extremely intelligent, capable of handling and perfecting – every task in the skin examination. With just one device, dermatologists can take any kind of picture, from dermoscopic to clinical close-up and overview images. It also makes mapping, follow-up and comparison of skin images smoother and smarter.
ESA Communications Ltd.
#27 – 2861 Sherwood Heights Dr.
Oakville, ON L6J 7K1
(905) 216-0500