Pro AV Catalog

AVFI Audio Visual Furniture

190 Don Hillock Drive
Aurora, ON L4G 0G9
Project List
VFI New Facility in 2015
Posted on Friday, January 10, 2014
VFI New Facility in 2015
VFI has just signed contracts to build a new production facility.  This new location will allow VFI to streamline our production to a great degree and also increase our inventory levels.  Over the past year VFI has added 4 additional computer controlled machines to our plant to increase our capabilities.  However this has made the current location very tight for space.  Anticipating the economic revival VFI has committed in anticipation of increased sales to the new facility.
It will also boast a large show room, which will be equipped with Videoconferencing for remote sales training just as we have in our current location.  Located next to a major Toronto highway and exit ramp and only 30 mins from Toronto’s airport even distant resellers could fly in for training.
Ground breaking will be in spring 2014 with an expected move in date of January 2015.
VFI is looking forward to servicing our resellers even better than we already do and would like to extend to everyone a prosperous New-year.